Public Relations
& Awareness

A great brand starts with a great story. 

A breakthrough public relations agency

As storytellers at heart, we know how to truly connect with audiences in today’s complex media landscape. PAN’s deep B2B tech and healthcare industry experience and strong media ties allow us to join the conversation and seize upon key opportunities. We use data-driven insights to understand the big trends and find the spaces where your story can shine. By aligning your messaging with these trends, we position you as a trusted thought leader in your field, helping you stand out amidst the noise.

An authentic, differentiated narrative is critical to breaking through the digital clutter to build awareness and drive business impact. Our strategists and storytellers know exactly where your audiences are and who they trust to add credibility and visibility to your brand. 

Put your bench to work by leveraging key executives and SMEs across your brand-building and thought leadership initiatives. Creating and entering issue-based conversations with key media allows you to show off your brand’s unique solution to market challenges. We understand the social algorithm and utilize your content as a sales enablement tool.

Tap into the network and create mutually beneficial relationships with the key influencers and trusted media voices who’ve captivated the attention of your target audiences. 

Scroll, swipe, and share your way to maximizing brand visibility, engagement, and recognition with social media leading the way to impact. #NailedIt 

Key Public Relations & Awareness Services


Media Relations


Influencer & Analyst Relations


Event & Tradeshow Support


Investor-Focused PR (M&A)


Executive & Corporate Social

Executive Thought Leadership


Customer & Employee Advocacy Programs


Media Training

Megan Kessler, Chief of Integrated Marketing and Strategy at PAN Communications, headshot

Success stories, insights, and resources: Public Relations & Awareness

Dive into our client success stories, insight reports, and topical blog posts to see how we think, work, and create.  

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Shaping the future of fulfillment

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The race towards self-driving success 

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