So you launched a product recently, which resulted in impressive sales leads and perhaps positive coverage. Fast-forward to four weeks later and now what? How do you keep that momentum and launch excitement alive with more sales opportunities as well as obtaining additional media coverage? Check out the tips below to keep your company and your product top of mind well after the product launch buzz.
Problem Solving: Your new product or solution most likely fills a void in the market by solving a problem. Start educating the industry about this problem that exists and what solutions are available such as (hint) –your product. Some ways to do this is to follow market trends and participate in discussions addressing similar pain points. Look to creating content that covers pain points and potential solutions without being product promotional. Use cases and customer stories are another option and always helpful. Other possibilities include creating a white paper, technical papers or a how-to tutorial video that emphasizes solving a technical or industry problem. You can do this by following market trends, participating in discussions on current pain points, content and blog creation, social media postings, use cases addressing the pain points, and if applicable, create white papers, technical papers and how-to tutorials and videos that provide other ways of showcasing how your product solves a problem and its benefits.
Build Vision: Continue to build momentum by sharing details about what will be next in your product roadmap. You don’t have to reveal all your plans as they will change with delays and other issues. If you can’t share your roadmap then share what you believe will be next in the industry, where the industry for your product will go next and what needs to happen for it to get there. Share this vision and knowledge with the industry via articles, with editors and analysts, and at industry events and forum discussions.
Thought Leadership: Start creating content to suit your target audiences – lots of it –in the form of tips, opinion pieces, controversial topics, blog posts and contributed articles and get them published in top publications that will be read by your potential customers. Along with producing content for third-party industry websites and publications, make sure to have an active blog on your company website with a content calendar including assignments and deadlines so there is always new content to share.
More News: If you will not have another product announcement for a while, no worries! There are other items worth announcing such as new features, support for other platforms, new customers, milestones, strategic partnerships, patents, funding, and company expansion in the form of personnel hires or new office locations, just to name a few.
Conferences and Tradeshows: Another way to keep the company name out there is to participate in targeted industry events. There are various degrees of participation from attending the event to networking and meeting others with similar interests. Tradeshows are also a great opportunity to submit a speaking proposal and present in front of a targeted audience. If you have an events budget then securing a booth space might be a good opportunity to meet with others.
Customer Testimonials: With your product now available, your customer base is starting to grow so now is a great time to start telling your customer stories. Building stories highlighting why your product was selected? How it is being used? Also, any numbers addressing savings in time and dollars can be added to customer case studies and testimonials to make them more compelling and focused on the benefits and ROI.
Now you are armed with several tips to help keep the momentum up after the product launch buzz. All these tips will help to continue to bring traffic to your website, add new product sales and opportunities for business development.