Success Story B2B TechConsulting

An integrated & agile approach to webinar engagement   



Program & Deliverables

Strategy & Planning, PR & Awareness, Creative & Branding, Demand & Lead Generation, Data & Analytics


In2 SABRE winner for online/virtual event: unlocking overlooked markets  

Enthought, a company powering digital transformation for science, was looking to bolster its brand and provide commentary on critical issues facing its sector. With so much attention on building a digitally enabled workforce and arming them with analytics-ready scientific data, Enthought was looking for an opportunity to meaningfully break into the conversation. The company's distinct perspective stems from its sector expertise: transforming organizations in the electronic, semiconductor, materials design, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, energy, and consumer goods markets.  
To bolster Enthought's brand equity, the team decided to launch a webinar with the following objectives:  

  • Increase brand awareness for Enthought by breaking into the highly crowded and evolving AI conversation with a differentiated, compelling, and value-additive POV.
  • Establish our Subject Matter Experts as leading thinkers within the scientific community, highlighting their extensive knowledge of the technology’s benefits for science-based businesses. 
  • Drive 750 qualified leads by targeting decision makers in the life science and material sciences sectors. 

Registration Goal Exceeded


qualified registrants


website sessions


Making Enthought a leader in the conversation 

The team started with comprehensive research on the ChatGPT conversation landscape to inform our strategic direction, key narrative, and campaign plan. Research was compiled into an audit that looked at the conversations around ChatGPT related to material science and life science across search, earned media, and social media. Our goal was to find white space while also noting what was sparking the most discussion and debate.  

Using our insights and research as a guide, the team built a campaign narrative that centered on an overlooked audience—materials and life science organizations—who were largely being left out of the surging generative AI and ChatGPT conversations that surrounded them. This group had an incredible opportunity and advantage to be leveraging this capability but struggled with accessing relevant content.

To fill this gap, our content strategy would:  

  • Lean into the educational value.
  • Take control of the narrative​. 
  • Move quickly to market to strike while the iron was hot.  
  • Meet our audience “where they are.” 
  • Be relentlessly data-driven.

The team moved quickly to develop creative content and campaign assets to capture the attention of those in the R&D space. Centered on the impact of AI on research and the use of the term AI, our call to action was clear — join the webinar to explore these topics with experts.  

The team also began seeding ways for Enthought to expand its thought-leadership and offer bold calls to action beyond the webinar.

Our tactics included: 

  • Channel mix across paid and organic social media, display, third-party placements, and email. 
  • Engaged in precise demographic targeting, with strategic, data-driven optimizations. 
  • Built a robust A/B testing model. 
  • Used LinkedIn, to build awareness, generate engagement and drive conversions.
  • Leveraged consistent look and feel across the creative, with tailored copy.  






Award winning campaign: From likes to leads: unlocking overlooked markets 

The client came to us with a killer idea for a webinar that was incredibly interesting, we immediately jumped into research that helped guide our direction on messaging and validate our media plan. Quick paid media pivots and continuous optimizations lead to impressive results! Just one example of the true partnership we have with the Enthought marketing team.

Brittany Eagar, Director at PAN
Brittany Eager Account Supervisor Integrated Marketing