Blog Culture/Agency Life

Why We’re Staying Virtual

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Samantha SmoakDirector

At the end of 2020, I moved from my downtown home just five miles from my office to the suburb of Nashville where I grew up. I knew at the time what that meant: regardless of what happened, I wouldn’t return to the office in the same capacity I did pre-pandemic — if I returned at all.

virtual workAlmost two years later, I’m full-time remote and not looking back. And best of all, I’m not alone. In the uncertainty of 2022 and in the new normal that followed, many of us at PAN opted to move away from cities with PAN offices or take advantage of our HyFlex model to split time between in-office and remote work. Today, nearly 100 percent of the company works remotely at least part of the time.

For me, working remotely means better work/life balance. I get an extra 30 minutes to sleep instead of a commute, lunchtime walks with my dog (pictured causing chaos during a PAN all-staff meeting) and the ability to make evening plans without worrying about rush hour traffic.

After a few years, it seems it’s still making the day-to-day better for a lot of us — recently, PAN was named second overall in the PRovoke Media Best Small Agencies to Work For list.

See what others in our PAN community have to say about our HyFlex work model.

Helen Byrne


“I believe that work is an action — not a place! Being able to work remotely has supported me on a personal level in so many ways and aligns with my beliefs. From moving across the country to making long-term travel plans to work from different destinations, I couldn’t picture it any other way.”

Helen Bryne, Senior Influencer Relations Specialist, Seattle (formerly Boston)


“As someone who in February of 2020 said out loud to anyone that would listen, ‘I cannot imagine being fully remote, I would miss interacting with my team,’ PAN’s virtual world has allowed me to make and build connections in a way I could not have imagined and I have grown to love working remote. PAN’s strong presence and structure around virtual working allows me to be more flexible with how I live my life which I really value. Recently, thanks to PAN’s flexible work model, I have relocated to Austin, TX all the way from Rhode Island, allowing my significant other to take an amazing job in a new state while I get the pleasure of continuing to work with my amazing team and incredible clients. Talk about a win-win!”

Brittany Eager, Director, Austin (formerly Boston)

Amber Stephens


“Working virtually allows me to maximize my time every day and do more things that bring me joy. When I’d otherwise have to commute, I am able to exercise and eat before I start my workday. Virtual work also enables me to continue to expand my mind with travel and exploration as I work remotely in different cities.”

Amber Stephens, Account Executive, New York City

“When I work from home, I can use my mornings before work to go on a walk, workout, or just have my coffee and listen to a podcast! I find that having more time to recharge (and wake up — I am not a morning person) makes me more energized and ready for my day, as opposed to using the same time just to rush to get out the door.”

Molly Powers, Account Executive, Boston

Eva Barry-Murphy“During quarantine in 2020, I decided to get a dog while I was working from home. When the quarantine lifted and our offices started reopening, I was so grateful to be given the opportunity by PAN to continue to work remotely when I wanted (and where I wanted!) vs. having a fixed schedule where I needed to be in the office X number of days a week. Though our office in Boston is open and I can commute in whenever I want to meet up with coworkers, I prefer to work from home the majority of the time so that I can avoid the cost of commuting and paying for doggy daycare. I also have so much more quality time to spend with my friends, family, and my pup, Dakota, by not having to commute an hour each way into the city anymore. I love being able to work remotely from my aunt’s place in New Hampshire or sign off work and go meet a friend for dinner somewhere close by — preferably somewhere outside and dog-friendly!”

Eva Barry-Murphy, HR Business Partner, Boston

“To put it simply — virtual work has allowed me to truly better balance work and life. I could go on and on, but a few highlights: I embraced the opportunity to move from Boston to Austin; I don’t have to wait for the weekend to do my at-home to-do list; I can sneak in a workout in the middle of the day, rather than at five in the morning; I can live out my dream of wearing athleisure almost full-time (kidding, but only kind of). Not to mention the best benefit of being home with my husky – who, through his quick manipulation to a minimum of three walks per day, helps me take screen breaks and encourages (aka forces) me to sign off at the end of the day.”

Alyssa Tyson, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Austin

“I prefer to work virtually because I am able to go to do more in my day. I am not a morning person, so having the opportunity to go to the gym during lunch is definitely a bonus for me! I can also sit outside and work by the pool!”

Victoria Adebanjo, Account Executive, Austin (formerly NYC)

“Working from home gives me more flexibility than I could have ever imagined a few years ago. I get to enjoy my cup of coffee on my patio in the mornings rather than in the car on the way to work, and (almost) every day around 3 PM, I take a break to walk with my sister to pick my nephews up from their elementary school a block away. While I do miss interacting with co-workers in the office, I still get a bit of that interaction in our PAN Pet Pawrents Teams chat — where I’m surprised I haven’t been banned for sharing WAY too many photos of my cat!”

Kirsten Welch, Senior Account Supervisor, Orlando


(Author’s note: there is no such thing as too many pet photos).

“Working virtual allowed my husband and I to move and live closer to family which has been such a blessing. We have 4 nieces and nephews we get to now see all the time, became foster parents and have a baby on the way! Working virtually means I’m home when our little guy gets home from VPK each day, I can start dinner a little earlier and enjoy the transition from work to family time without the commute and I am able to truly appreciate work/life balance in this remote work world!”

Sydney Muller, Senior Account Supervisor, Tampa (Formerly Orlando)

“Working virtually equals more quality time with my family, and that’s huge for me. Commuting into the office meant very early mornings, rushed breakfasts, train delays and traffic conflicting with bath and bedtime routines, and overall: precious time lost. PAN’s Hyflex model allows me to be fully present in the big and little moments of my children’s day — I will always be appreciative of that”.

LeeAnn Coviello, Senior Account Supervisor, Boston

Learn more about our virtual community, and check out our current job openings!
An image of PAN's Brand Experience Report on the Potentials and pitfalls of AI for marketers

In our annual Brand Experience Report, we asked marketers and customers how they are using and experiencing AI to better understand how the technology is changing that relationship.