You’ve spent the last few years building a solid top of funnel awareness program with your earned media efforts working side-by-side with your PR agency. You’ve noted how media and analyst relations work hand in hand and how the voice of your executives helps to differentiate your company from a crowded field.
As prospects better understand the value of your brand through media, they’ve visited your site to inquire about services, products or customer successes aligned to their interest. But marketers are now looking for additional ways to move the prospect down the funnel and add a layer of emotion that can help support your integrated marketing activities. We call this the Power of Voice – an influencer marketing program.
There’s been a lot of hype around influencer marketing and what it can do for your brand. It’s no surprise that the voice of these influencers can go a long way. As marketers continue to figure out the best way to capitalize on this opportunity, the timing couldn’t be better. In fact, 87 percent of B2B buyers are giving more credence to industry influencer content.
Not only are B2B tech companies and healthcare brands jumping at the opportunity to include this within their integrated PR and marketing communication strategies, integrated agencies are meeting these demands with excitement and acceleration. Not surprisingly so, PR and marketing professionals alike have the necessary skills to make this an effective strategy today. Building relationships that have a long-term impact and creating content that resonates is no stranger to these agency professionals.
Learn more about integrated marketing and PR, read: Defining Your Integrated Marketing & PR Strategy.
At PAN, we understand how influencer relations becomes incorporated into your overarching integrated communications platform. That’s why we’ve created a 5-step guide titled “The Power of Voice: The Art and Science of Influencer Marketing”. This program is an in-depth look at how integrating influencer relations can help tell the right story at the right time and drive brand equity across your audience, all while being mapped to measurable results that impact revenue growth opportunities.
Realizing your potential with influencer marketing is half the battle. You must focus on planning and organizing the following so that you can successfully implement an effective program:
1. Set your goals: Understand your objectives and how you’re going to experience success.
2. Discover your influencer network: Who are your potential brand influencers? Utilize search tactics and tools that are at your disposal.
3. Create a story and engage with your influencers: Remember that influencer marketing is a person-to-person exercise. You and your team must engage with them, talk to them, and add value to their efforts before asking for something in return.
4. Develop, paid, earned and owned influencer strategies: A robust influencer marketing plan includes paid, earned and owned strategies. But they all start with a powerful idea. Make your idea as big as you can but take the time to figure out how to tell people about it in as few words as possible.
5. Measure the impact: Your influencer marketing plan should include early and often measurement of key analytics to determine what is working and what is not, so you are able to steer your efforts towards what is effective.
While there may be a lot to take on, remember that integrated agencies are well equipped for that extra support and guidance. At PAN, we like to offer this service under our 5-step approach and with a strategic mindset that gets your brand the results and revenue growth that you’ve been looking for.
To learn more about our service read our recent release, and uncover our service offering here.
As always, if you have any questions or if you want to continue the conversation reach out to @MarkCNardone or @PANComm.