Success Story Patient Experience

Changing the conversation for next level awareness 



Program & Deliverables

PR & Awareness, Content Marketing


Showing innovation to expand upstream 

PAN kicked off its partnership with PointClickCare just weeks ahead of its annual SUMMIT user conference, a must-attend event for professionals driving innovation in long-term care and senior living. With only a month to develop the narrative and brand story, PAN partnered closely with the client to refresh their external brand message for media and social campaigns. 
PAN also executed live content support on the ground during the event, including live social and video to promote attendee engagement and drive session attendance. Beyond the conference, PAN increased brand awareness through earned media, social, and thought leadership activities. 
Drawing on its strong reputation in the long-term care landscape, PointClickCare needed to continue showing innovation to help expand its market segment upstream as a tech company. The challenge was helping them break out in a crowded electronic health record (EHR) market and articulate their brand difference. The timing was tight as PAN had very limited time to help them articulate their narrative ahead of the annual user conference. 


Media Impressions


Media SOV


Social Impressions


Articulating brand differentiation 

Trade Show Marketing

Administered media, social, and onsite strategic counsel during SUMMIT. PAN populated their conference app with internal content feature panel discussions and sessions to attendees in real-time. 

Messaging & Positioning

Provided strategic counsel and developed messaging to position PointClickCare’s executives as thought leaders in the broader health tech landscape. 

Strategic Media Relations 

Created and executed timely news pitches to secure PointClickCare POVs within trending news stories. Raised the profiles of PointClickCare SMEs via coverage in business press and healthcare trades. Secured coverage and POVs in top publications leading to high impressions. 

Social Media Strategy

Developed comprehensive, real-time social media recommendations and drafted content to help promote media successes. Optimized posts with trending industry hashtags supported by publication and reporter tagging to amplify engagement. 


Exceeding program metrics 

PAN exceeded program metrics through a steady cadence of company news and proactive thought leadership opportunities across business press, healthcare media, and LTPAC trades. With articles in Forbes,, and Healthcare IT News, for example, PointClickCare garnered 414M media impressions in high-value publications read by customers and prospects. SUMMIT conference coverage also featured 4.5M social impressions and seven executive interviews.