Uncover Your Integration Reality
Between brainstorming campaigns, crafting content, and measuring performance, the typical communication “doer” can’t easily align cross-channel efforts. They don’t have the time or (often) full visibility. But this misalignment doesn’t stop here. It also ladders up to the C-suite: today’s communication doers can’t easily advocate for necessary changes to decision makers. But we’re here to change that.
The PAN Marketing Reality Check gives you a chance to (A) review the alignment of your communications & marketing function and (B) explore how an integrated approach helps teams close gaps and open possibilities.
Emerging Reality
You’re navigating the realities of misalignment, without a clear blueprint for integration. Maybe your content isn’t connected to your earned media campaigns. Or maybe you don’t know how to speak with your CMO about adding a necessary resource. The silver lining: you have an opportunity to pivot and build your integrated operation – the right way.
Evolving Reality
You know what you need to do on paper. You regularly speak with your CMO, and you have recurring meetings with other members of your team. But you hit snags in the process. Campaigns still feel siloed. You aren’t conducting full campaign analyses when measuring performance. And you have trouble making the business case for integration support.
Established Reality
You’re killing it. You regularly meet with members of your team and other teams. You know how to synchronize cross-channel campaigns and appeal to leadership for resources. But nobody knows everything. Maybe a business opportunity arises (like an M&A or IPO) that will alter how you conduct your branding efforts – while staying integrated.
Want to check the reality of your marketing alignment?
You are in Emerging Reality!
Emerging Reality
Say goodbye to silos and hello to bridges.
You’re frequently encountering gaps in your day to day, from the strategies you execute to the communications you have with leadership. Fortunately, you have a golden opportunity to build an integrated function from scratch. Aligning your campaigns and your internal stakeholders isn’t easy, but it pays dividends – for your work’s quality and for your brand’s bottom line.
You are in Evolving Reality!
Evolving Reality
You’re on your way to full integration.
Your team knows what’s expected of them and how to, at least on paper, keep campaigns connected to each other. But you also experience too many gaps – misaligned metrics, uneven distribution plans for content, and/or infrequent conversations with executive leadership. Achieving full alignment will require additional commitments to measurement, organizational expectation-setting, and cross-functional collaboration.
The building block of any campaign: your story. If you want your stories to resonate, you must consider your audience. The best stories aren’t written in a vacuum. An integrated communications operation helps your stories find your audience – in the right channel, in the right place, and at the right time.
You are in Established Reality!
Established Reality
Your teamwork is making the dream work.
You’re part of a truly integrated marketing team. Goals are clear and attributable. Cross-channel campaigns play off of each other. You know how to advocate for necessary changes to the C-suite. But you may still have lingering questions about complex alignment topics, like crafting an integrated SEO campaign or finding an agency partner that can seamlessly fit in across departments.
You know that a lack of integration can lead to disconnected messaging, misaligned campaign goals, and reduced program effectiveness. That’s especially true when you have an IPO on the horizon – an event that will alter how you brand your company. What’s one way to help keep your teams connected? Consistent branding and frequent communication.