With HIMSS right around the corner, we are thrilled that HIT Leaders & News Managing Editor Jason Free took time out of his busy schedule to speak with the PAN PR team about what is undoubtedly the biggest healthcare IT conference of the year.
PAN: Jason, what issues do you think will be at the front and center of this year’s show?
JF: I believe issues related to precision medicine will be prevalent at this year’s show. In particular I am looking forward to attending the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase, which will discuss and feature presentations on how to achieve interoperability using standards available today.
The future of Meaningful Use (MU) will likely also be a talking point. I see this as very similar to the situation with ICD10. The sentiment behind these initiatives is reasonable and positive, but there is a disconnect with their practical implementation since those developing these rules and regulations aren’t experiencing the same day-to-day as clinicians.
PAN: Are there any topics that will cause more buzz this year than they might have in the past?
JF: To some extent learning and sharing information internationally will be a topic of discussion. More countries are emerging in the HIT space, and in particular Dubai is investing a lot of money in the industry.
With so many companies attending each year, how can PR professionals distinguish themselves to secure a meeting during the show?
JF: For me, I am most interested when PR professionals are able to offer a healthcare end user within a pitch. HIT solutions resonate the most with me when PR professionals are able to present a pre-existing problem, and explain what steps were taken to address it. I am most interested in stories that present a real-world depiction of a problem and solution through the eyes of a CIO or clinician.