As we celebrate International Women’s Day today – a campaign first championed by the Suffragettes over a hundred years ago – it’s an important time to reflect and advocate for female representation in the workplace. It’s also an opportunity to applaud the strong female leaders spearheading change within their organizations and industries.
Here at PAN, 16 out of 30 executives (directors and above), are women – including three out of five of our senior vice presidents. PAN is dedicated to making strides when it comes to gender parity at all levels of the organization, and fostering representative leaders and mentors that help create an inclusive culture.
To applaud these strong women who help shape the culture of PAN, we chatted with some of our female leaders on their advice for the rising generation of women in the workplace:
“Excel at what you do AND also know how to contribute to the growth of the business.”
– Elizabeth Famiglietti, EVP, Human Resources
“Become a fearless negotiator – for yourself and your clients.”
– Michele Frost, VP, PANdigital
“If you have a question, ask it. An opinion, share it. You’ve earned the right to be heard.”
– Emily Holt, Director
“Life is about perseverance, it won’t always be easy and you’ll hit many hurdles, but never lose sight of who you are now and who you want to be.”
– Katie Blair, VP and General Manager
“ Surround yourself with bright positive people that will encourage you, challenge you and motivate you to be your best self.”
– Susan Saraiva, Director, Finance and Accounting
Hear more from our female executives on their advice for the next generation, challenges they have overcome and how they describe the women of PAN in our International Women’s Day video below.