In nearly thirty years running a business, a lot of things change. But some things never do.
As long as business has existed, brand leaders have faced a constant challenge: find new, scalable ways to grow. The last 18 months have been difficult. Clients and markets alike have weathered a vast range of changing circumstances — conditions that created a need for constant adjustment. PAN adjusted alongside our partners as we always have, celebrating wins and strategizing through setbacks.
I couldn’t be prouder of the leadership and teamwork on display in the past year as we showed we could not only survive but thrive. Despite difficult conditions, 2022 was a year of explosive organic growth as our team utilized expert messaging and positioning to support client partners in doing more with their story.
Heading into 2023, macro challenges and a shifting business landscape have created uncertainty — more than ever, brands need an agency partner they can trust to move a story in those circumstances.
A Dynamic Team of Leaders
One of the best parts of being in this business for as long as I have is witnessing the tremendous growth of the people you invest in. Our leadership team is, in my opinion, the best in the business, and even 40 years into this work, it’s still a joy and privilege to learn alongside them every day and watch them guide another generation of IM and PR professionals.
Last week we announced new additions to our senior leadership. That announcement followed our annual leadership team offsite meeting held in early January in Boston. Across three days of lively reunion and conversation, our senior team reflected on the progress of the past several years and solidified our strategies for the next ones. Seasoned veterans shared the wisdom of experience, new leaders shared insight and innovation from the front lines, and together we prepared for the next phase of our agency.
A Long Time Coming
As I said in the beginning, growth is and always has been the name of the game. Each year, leaders and their teams are pushed to find creative new ways to message and position their brand and move their story to market. Even as they navigate the challenges of the moment, they still must prove the value of their investment in solutions. PAN solves both problems for the long term, utilizing tried and true engagement strategies to scale programs and grow alongside our clients, moving their ideas from concept to spotlight.
This work takes years — it takes foresight and intent and concentrated action. There’s no way to replicate it overnight.
PAN has spent years building our business for the difficult moments, working to unite business needs with marketing ones to stay ahead of rapidly changing industries. Plenty of agencies can react, but PAN has always been proactive — moving with intent to anticipate partner needs. With our strongest leadership bench ever, stacked with individuals who understand how the nuances of a dynamic IM and PR landscape impact both our clients and our internal teams, the future is bright.
You can’t fake this kind of preparation. Even if you understand the issues and the clients and what they need and when, the pieces and the people need to be in place already. That work takes years — it takes foresight and intent and concentrated action. There’s no way to replicate it overnight.
We aren’t just seizing the moment. We planned for this, and now the moment has arrived.