Success Story AI, MarTech & CX

The making of a category leader



Program & Deliverables

Strategy & Planning, PR & Awareness, Content Marketing


Pivoting to a platform

Qualtrics wanted to shift public perception from “survey technology” company toward the lesser-known Experience Management (XM)—also known as "empathy at scale." Qualtrics hired PAN to finally break through with healthcare verticals and business media. 


  1. Establish Qualtrics as the sole brand leading conversations on XM, reaching for full category ownership of this talk track—edging out our main competitors. 
  2. Strengthen XM as a topic specifically within the healthcare vertical—utilizing Dr. Adrienne Boissy as Chief Medical Officer and the lead spokesperson for thought leadership that promotes a people-first approach to patient care and employee support. 
  3. Strategically tap into proprietary data findings available from the Qualtrics platform to help underscore key XM topics such as empathy-based approaches to care, healthcare worker burnout and more. Also, leverage the Qualtrics-Ascension partnership to further cement healthcare credibility. 


Going against the grain—with credibility and empathy

The approach was to build a platform that addresses a wide array of trends. With Qualtrics’ high-profile chief medical officer, notable customer announcement and research-backed content—PAN’s goal was to build trust in Qualtrics and its expertise across the healthcare industry. 

Next, PAN developed a strategic thought-leadership platform to elevate Dr. Boissy as a leading voice to address the current state of healthcare, making a big bet that empathy would be a salient topic that authentically contributes to Qualtrics’ goals of owning the XM category. 

Qualtrics’ media presence quickly gained momentum, progressing PAN’s narrative of using XM and empathy to close healthcare gaps. Within weeks, publications like Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Quartz and Axios were sharing insights from Dr. Boissy. Every article mentioned Qualtrics, connecting Dr. Boissy’s position to the company. 

For trade publications like Healthcare IT News and Chief Healthcare Executive, she shared insights about the patient experience and the cost-of-living crisis—backed by Qualtrics data. These issues address both the technological and financial realities of XM tech—as well as how they can make a tangible difference in the lives of real people. To round out this thought leadership strategy, PAN also leveraged 2023 predictions that Dr. Boissy developed, centered around ethics in healthcare, patient experience and burnout among staff. 


Building an empathy-driven platform 

PAN successfully made Qualtrics the unparalleled leader in all conversations related to XM and positioned Dr. Boissy as the voice to usher an empathy-first healthcare experience. 

Media KPIs across the business media and healthcare verticals nearly tripled. The 36 pieces of coverage for Qualtrics included top-tier business media and influential healthcare verticals. This showed a 106% increase in coverage quarter-over-over. PAN’s thought leadership platform for Dr. Boissy skyrocketed her media coverage 116% within just one quarter. 

Throughout the campaign, PAN monitored performance across key healthcare competitors: Medallia, Press Ganey and NRC Health—measuring both competitive share of voice (SOV) and key message pull-through on Experience Management, Customer Experience, and Employee Experience. 

By the end of Q4, Qualtrics had 62% of the SOV and landed in first place in all three key message categories—with 37 media articles including the term “experience management” and its second-closest competitor Medallia coming in at 13 mentions.