Blog Culture/Agency Life

What PAN is Thankful For in 2015

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Author: Marki Conway, Vice President at PAN Communications, headshot
Marki ConwayVice President

Image from Kevin Dooley used under CC license.


Thank you.

We say it every day, often without a conscious thought that we’re even saying it. Certainly not giving a thought to why we’re saying it. It’s a reaction. To someone holding a door, blessing us after a sneeze, handing us a napkin, maybe offering a compliment. But once a year, Americans stop to eat a gluttonous meal together and consider what it is we’re truly thankful for. We express gratitude for friends, family, laughter, life – so much that we all have to appreciate. We remember that we are fortunate. For one day, we complain less about the extra five pounds we still need to lose, the annoying leaves that we have to rake, the crappy commute we take each day – the mundane. We complain less about the everyday annoyances and remember that we are lucky, and we are thankful for all that we have.

And here at PAN, we certainly have a lot to appreciate. From the new hires, to colleagues that are more like best friends, and of course – the Patagonia fleeces PAN just ordered for us! So once again this year, our team shares what we’re thankful for this year – both personally and professionally.

Professional Thanks

  • “I’m thankful for the 65+ people at PAN that have helped us achieve a banner year (second-in-a-row) with record growth.” – Phil Nardone, President & Founder
  • “I’m thankful I finally found a PR home. Coming from past agencies, I’ve worked with a variety of clients and colleagues and I can confidently say that PAN is truly different. They stick to their word and value their employees. So this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to be an employee of PAN.” – Lisa Sorrentino, Account Executive
  • “I am so thankful for our 34 new employees who joined PAN this year, everyone at PAN that helped to welcome all of them AND the best PAN Ambassador team ever!!!” – Elizabeth Famiglietti, Senior VP, HR
  • “Thankful for the ultra-creative and talented staff I work with every day to make this firm a best places to work.  And for the modern marketer – who challenges our industry daily to think differently about ways to connect with customers.” – Mark Nardone, EVP
  • “Thankful for fantastic coworkers and clients and a great new learning experience at PAN. I’m also thankful for the week off between Christmas and New Years!” – Danielle Kirsh, Senior Account Executive
  • “I am thankful for all of the awesome new hires we have brought in recently – some of the most talented in the business – as well as our original team who continues to grow in their careers and impress me every day with their ideas, creativity and work ethics.” – Lisa Astor, Vice President
  • “I’m so thankful to work for a company that values their employees and their families. This year, PAN embraced my move to the west coast so that I could support my husband’s new business venture and be closer to family.” – Sarah Tatone, Senior Account Supervisor
  • “I’m thankful that Alex Henry told me to work at PAN!” – Allison Andrew, Account Executive
  • “I’m thankful for working together with good, smart people that I truly like.” – David Saggio, VP of PANdigital
  • “I’m grateful for working at such a forward-looking agency, one that makes strategic investments in its capabilities and continues to build an amazing pool of talent, all with the goal of client success.” – Matthew Briggs, Director
  • “I am thankful for the opportunity to join the PAN family, meeting new teammates, friends, managers and mentors in such a great work environment (plus the view from the 8th floor isn’t so bad either)!” – Hannah Curtis, Senior Account Executive
  • “I’m thankful I can say that I genuinely look forward to coming to work everyday.” – Ellie Carten, PR Intern
  • “Thankful for work-at-home Fridays. I love my sleep – and being able to sleep in later on Friday makes it easier to get through the week and get my weekend started sooner (with no need to commute back at the end of the day).” – Jenny Gardynski, Account Supervisor
  • “Professionally, I’m thankful for amazing colleagues like Marki.” – Ariel Burch, Account Supervisor (you’re welcome, Ariel)
  • “Thankful to have an ocean view every day at work and to work at one of Boston’s best places to work!” – Kyle Tilsdley, Account Supervisor
  • “Thankful for the beautiful views from my new cube on the Ocean Side, even though I miss my neighbors over on the City Side!” – Kathryn McMahon, Account Supervisor
  • “I am thankful that I got so lucky to work at PAN straight out of college, for my wonderful coworkers who provide me with endless support and inspire me to work harder every single day, and for PAN Pub, which gets us all through difficult Thursdays. I’m also thankful that Marki was my training supervisor—feeling truly #blessed.” – Gabrielle Alleyne, Assistant Account Executive
  • “I’m thankful that Ocean Side is finally getting recognized as the hot commodity it is with all the new folks who have moved into this prime real estate!” – Ashley Waters, Senior Account Executive
  • “I’m incredibly grateful for my PAN family, who is always there to listen, cheer me up, laugh at me, create new hashtags for me, and support me. Also thankful that we upgraded to Macbook Airs!” – Marki Conway, Account Supervisor

Personal Thanks

  • “I’m thankful both my sons will be home for T-Day and that Scott & I get to attend the Celtics game with them the following night in Boston-style!!” – Phil Nardone, President & Founder
  • “I’m thankful for my family, friends & great new coworkers who supported me during my “homeless” period before buying my first home!” – Alyssa Tyson, Digital Marketing Specialist
  • “I am grateful for every day I get to spend with my family, who I love so dearly. Thank you for being so supportive.” – Elizabeth Famiglietti, Senior VP, HR
  • “So thankful for the fact I get to wake up each day in a warm, safe bed surrounded by people I love. It’s amazing how basic that is but also how many people don’t have one or all of those things… I’m also, extremely thankful to live in a time where more than ever, people are encouraging, allowing and supporting change. It’s not perfect, and there’s so much more ground to cover, but just in my lifetime, it’s been amazing to see education translate to acceptance and equality for so many people regardless of their race, sex, religious belief or sexual preference. I hope every day it continues to spread and get stronger – even if slowly but surely – because it keeps me believing that the world is ultimately good.” – Kelli Fletcher, Account Supervisor
  • “I am thankful that my children are healthy and happy.” – Kim Spiller, Finance Operations Specialist
  • “I’m thankful for the love that surrounds me through my family and friends & how it inspires me see so many possibilities.” – David Saggio, VP of PANdigital
  • “I’m thankful for the relationship I have with my brother younger Chris. With us being six years apart, I never imagined we would ever be as close as we are today. Helping him apply to college has been such a meaningful experience, I couldn’t be happier for him.” – Ellie Carten, PR Intern
  • “Thankful for all the PAN peeps who came to my wedding in October, those who weren’t there but sent warm thoughts my way – and even those who went against my wishes to try to (unsuccessfully) change my wedding hashtag.” – Jenny Gardynski , Account Supervisor (#GRex)
  • “Personally, I’m thankful to be moving into a new house and planning my wedding.” – Ariel Burch, Account Supervisor
  • “Thankful for my move to the North End, which means I can stumble out of bed 5 minutes before work and still make it in on time.” – Alyssa Miron, Account Executive
  • “I’m thankful for all the people who made my wedding as incredible as it was – especially my husband, Brian. And thankful for our ever expanding family by ways of a new fur-baby named Taffy (sorry mom – dogs before kids!)” – Ashley Waters, Senior Account Executive

“Thankful for everything that has blessed my life this year and every year. Thankful for every day I get to spend with my family and friends, for without them, life would be laugh-less.” – Marki Conway, Account Supervisor

An image of PAN's Brand Experience Report on the Potentials and pitfalls of AI for marketers

In our annual Brand Experience Report, we asked marketers and customers how they are using and experiencing AI to better understand how the technology is changing that relationship.