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PAN Employee Spotlight: Boston’s Integrated Marketing Account Executive, Stephanie Ward

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Tell me about yourself and how you came to PAN.

I joined PAN this past February, after spending the first year and a half or so of my post-grad career at a direct mail and email marketing agency. While I learned a lot, and it was a good starting point to kickstart my marketing career, I wanted to move beyond the more traditional methods of marketing and expand my knowledge of the industry and where it’s heading in the future. I found that knowledge and future here at PAN.

But it can’t be all work and no play, right?! So, when I’m away from my desk, you’re most likely to find me lounging on the beach with a good book or whipping up yet another batch of cookies in the kitchen (petition to get an oven in the PANtry, anyone?).

For a career in integrated marketing, what made you look to a PR agency?Integrated Marketing Jobs

When I was looking to broaden my skillset beyond just direct mail and email marketing, my main goal was to find a company where I would have the opportunity to not only grow my skills as a marketer, but also to branch out into other areas. Being a PR and integrated marketing (IM) agency, PAN fit that bill and more. Here, I may be on the IM team, but I’ve been able to do so much more than all data all the time. From running paid social campaigns, creating content, to handling influencer relations for some of the leading brands in techology, I’ve added more tools to my toolbox in the last six months than I can count!

What’s something you’ve learned so far being at PAN that was surprising to you?

Of everything I’ve learned so far at PAN (and that is a lot!), I think the most surprising thing is how many ways there are to look at and evaluate data. With a background in direct mail, I’d always thought of numbers as being straightforward answers to questions – black and white, up and down, etc. I was beyond wrong. PAN’s helped me to see that data and analytics offers so many insights into your audience and really is the backbone of a successful marketing strategy or campaign.

How has PAN supported your growth as an Integrated Marketing professional?

Since becoming a member of the PAN family, I’ve grown so much as an IM professional and in a very short period of time. My dedicated supervisor, along with the VPs, directors, and various other leaders on my teams have made sure that I get the trainings that I not only need, but that I’m interested in. The amount of time they dedicate to one-on-one trainings for different platforms, tools, and industry best practices is incredible and has been an immense factor in helping me to grow my own skillset.

Even outside of IM, the PAN University sessions – internal agency trainings to help everyone learn something new – have been an awesome bonus resource for learning about other areas of the agency’s business and seeing what opportunities I have available to me to continue to grow as a PR and IM professional.

What do you look forward to the most each day at PAN?

Other than the incredible view of the harbor from the Boston office, I always look forward to the side conversations I have with my coworkers, whether in the hall, at PAN Pub or on Teams – our interoffice instant messaging system. This is truly a company where the people are the heart of the organization and they genuinely want to offer up Netflix recommendations, ask how your weekend was or just say ‘hi.’

An image of PAN's Brand Experience Report on the Potentials and pitfalls of AI for marketers

In our annual Brand Experience Report, we asked marketers and customers how they are using and experiencing AI to better understand how the technology is changing that relationship.