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PAN Celebrates Women’s Equality Day

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Author: Elizabeth Famiglietti, Chief People & Culture Officer at PAN Communications, headshot
Elizabeth FamigliettiChief People and Culture Officer

On Saturday, we will celebrate Women’s Equality Day across the United States. It’s a time to stop and reflect about women in our industry and workplace, a time to advocate and speak out on the achievements of women and a time for all of us to think about how we are making the world more inclusive and creating a pathway towards true gender equality.  As part of the executive team at PAN and head of Human Resources, I am proud of our achievements as an agency and not only our strong female representation at the leadership level but PAN’s continued efforts to challenge the status quo, create an inclusive, flexible culture and ensure equality for women.

With the promotion of Darlene Doyle last December, two of PAN’s three senior vice presidents, who directly manage PAN’s client portfolio, are female. Additionally, 11 out of 22 Director and above level roles at PAN are currently held by females. PAN fully supports the advancement of women in our workforce, and equality is recognized for all employees.

“At PAN, I have the good fortune of being surrounded by a group of smart, strong and creative women whom I consider mentors, colleagues and friends. But, more importantly, I feel proud to work at a company that puts equality and career opportunity for ALL individuals at the top of its agenda. This is a core value at PAN and part of the fabric of the organization.” – Darlene Doyle, Senior Vice President, Boston

In Public Relations, we are part of a female dominated industry with the power to reach millions and make a statement. In total, more than 70 percent of PR professionals are women and I am proud to say that PAN not only works diligently to empower women, but also provides opportunities for women to grow, teach, transfer knowledge and invest in the next generation of women.  I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the best and brightest women in our industry, those who have made a positive impact in our lives beyond the walls of PAN and continue to do so.

Women’s Equality Day is an excellent way to celebrate the progress that’s been made, and the work still left to do as a country when it comes to gender equality. It is also a great opportunity to celebrate those women who inspire us on a daily basis.

Happy Women’s Equality Day!

An image of PAN's Brand Experience Report on the Potentials and pitfalls of AI for marketers

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