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Marketing Insights for HIMSS19: Q&A with Zipnosis

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Author: Dan Martin, Executive Vice President, Healthcare at PAN Communications
Dan MartinExecutive Vice President, Healthcare

Next week, Feb. 11-15, 1,300+ vendors and 45,000+ health information and technology professionals will descend upon Orlando for the HIMSS19 Global Conference & Exhibition. If entertainment has the Oscars and football has the Super Bowl, health IT has HIMSS.

Think big. Think noisy. Think cluttered. So, as the industry as a whole and, in particular, marketers gear up for this colossal event and look to maximize visibility, generate awareness and break through all that noise and clutter, PAN’s healthcare integrated marketing & PR team wanted to share some insights from battle-tested, HIMSS-savvy marketers.

We sat down with Sonja O’Brien, director of product marketing at Zipnosis, a leading virtual care software company (booth #7851), to get her take on the show, tips for success and what she’s most looking forward to this year.

1. Zipnosis has attended HIMSS previously. Tell us a little about any key lessons you’ve learned or tactics you’ve deployed to get the most traction at the show.

We have a couple of years under our belt now at HIMSS, so we are still learning how to make the most of our time at the event. It is a massive show and getting mindshare and visibility cannot be taken for granted. This year we decided to have a new booth that will, hopefully, help us stand out on the floor in what otherwise seems to be a sea of sameness. We have some striking colors, so we’ll see how that goes. In addition, leading up to and during the event, we are tying our promotion to some high-value content pieces (we want to give before we ask), including our 2018 On-Demand Virtual Care Benchmark Survey – a new report, announced this week, analyzing how health systems are deploying and using virtual care – in-booth presentations by a key customer and our executive leaders, as well as connecting prospects to customers for some richer and highly relatable conversations.

2. Do you have any pointers for other marketers who will be attending this year (perhaps for the first time)?

It’s a noisy environment, mostly metaphorically speaking, so invest in a variety of channels pre, during and post-event. You need to really think about how your message and format will get noticed and then up your game for attention.

3. What themes and trends are you most interested in keeping tabs on at this year’s show?

Obviously, this audience leans CIO, CMIO, tech, etc. However, I am very curious to hear where these leaders are positioning the patient in the conversation and as part of their business strategy. I think health systems are waking up to the reality that they are not immune to the consumerization that has already hit retail, banking and other industries. The faster they embrace this, the more successful they will be. So, the patient-focused topics are the ones I am interested in hearing more about.

4. If you can break away from the rigors of your work at the show, are there any speakers or sessions you would like to see?

I would be really interested to hear the presentation on “Digital Traction in Consumerization of Healthcare.” It’s a push-and-pull with the providers and patients, and I would love to hear how both are evolving and leveraging technology in the delivery and consumption of healthcare.

The PAN healthcare team helps dozens of healthIT and digital health companies plan and execute integrated marketing and PR programs that map to business objectives, move the sales needle and elevate both brand and executive profiles within key audience segments aligned to core personas.

Contact us to hear more about our work or to schedule a time to chat at HIMSS.

integrated marketing and PR healthcare





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