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Is It Time to Reengineer your Marketing and Communications Department?

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marketing team integration

Modern communication departments have rapidly evolved over the last few years to keep up with the overall transformation of the industry. Inspired by the change, PAN Communications and The Holmes Report dug a little deeper into what this means for the current agency and client model.

Where have improvements been made in terms of collaboration and integration? Are marketers, CMOs and agencies keeping pace during the digital transformation? Are marketing budgets growing to meet the demand of today’s “always-on” customer? Are agencies and clients prioritizing personalization, the customer experience and ‘Voice of the Customer’ programs? Are departments and agencies finally able to showcase revenue and ROI?

The results from this survey clearly depict the current state of marketing but also where we are headed as we continue to work on budgetary and skillset pain points.

Get the key stats and analysis below from PAN Communications.



An image of PAN's Brand Experience Report on the Potentials and pitfalls of AI for marketers

In our annual Brand Experience Report, we asked marketers and customers how they are using and experiencing AI to better understand how the technology is changing that relationship.