What’s needed to continue your brand’s success? A perfect time to evaluate and prioritize your 2017 marketing and PR objectives?
Regardless of when your fiscal year ends, the new year offers a time to reflect on lessons learned or best practices regarding the performance of your integrated marketing program in order to begin laying the groundwork for next year. By looking back at 2016 and fully evaluating the effectiveness of your team’s efforts you must start to measure the impact of your programs in a few key areas such as effective content, customer engagement or an overall increase in awareness across all media channels.
While you begin to reflect, and evaluate on your strategies, you may find that your content’s integration across an omni-channel approach missed a few steps due to teams operating in silos and not collaborating. In fact, this would not be abnormal considering 86 percent of marketers are still not bringing ALL creative minds together to truly integrate.
Specifically, for emerging growth companies, the beginning stages of a communication strategy are critical in the process building brand equity to fuel future funding, awareness and most importantly customer’s participation. We feel that beginning with mapping your buyer’s journey to an integrated view across earned, paid, owned and shared media must be a top priority for any effective marketing program in 2017. We recently reinforced this strategy in this eBook: How Can Business Compete in Brand Awareness?
Find out if your company is ready to integrate PR, content marketing and digital efforts by filling out a short form and taking this 10 question assessment in order to keep your brand moving forward!
There’s so many opportunities in 2017 to raise the bar on your integrated marketing efforts in 2017. Let’s continue discussing @MarkCNardone.