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Achieving Better Business Impact with the Right Integrated Marketing and PR Measurement

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Author: Mark Nardone, Chief Marketing Officer at PAN Communications, headshot
Mark NardoneChief Marketing Officer

“Establishing marketing ROI requires doing a closed loop on what’s working and seeing it all the way through, not just to a conversion from an MQL to an SQL, but really seeing it through to becoming a valued customer.”

— Scott Vaughan, CMO, Integrate

Today’s CMO is being held to high expectations for demonstrating ROI from programs that help fuel the pipeline and ultimately drive revenue. However, marketers are drowning in data and aren’t fully taking a holistic integrated view when it comes to measurement in the modern era of marketing (emotional connections with brands, influencer engagement, etc.) It’s time to start analyzing all of your marketing and PR efforts with a big picture view. This integrated measurement approach allows for marketers to make more informed decisions about where to invest or reallocate their activity to ensure successful campaign performance.

Measurement strategies are becoming even more essential as CMOs become pressured to tie their results back to revenue. This significant pain point is why marketers need BUILD A WINNING MEASUREMENT STRATEGY FROM THE GROUND UP’, a step-by-step guide to see past this roadblock and accomplish what needs to be done to deliver maximum results that exceed the C-suites expectations.

Under the leadership of Michele Frost, PAN Communications’ head of digital and analytics, we practice integrated measurement on a daily basis for our clients. We believe in a hybrid approach to Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measurement. This delves deeply into metrics such as brand awareness, media coverage, content distribution, industry awards, speaking engagements and SOV increase, to name a few.  This all correlates directly to the client’s growing funnel and brand-building awareness initiatives.

“Treat your measurement framework like it’s a competitive advantage. It is market research. It is prospect feedback. Listen with this mindset and “aha-moments” pop off the reports. You’ll move faster, with more confidence, and results will follow.” – Michele Frost, VP of Digital and Analytics at PAN Communications

Measuring the effectiveness of your ongoing programs 365 days a year is essential to keeping integrated efforts in play. The right tools, the right team and a sense of urgency spurred by timely data – helps to ensure a growing connection with your target audience. When programs are evaluated on a consistent basis, it guarantees planned execution is in line with executive expectations.  And that allows all of us to sleep a little better.

Looking for a model and method that helps integrate seamlessly with your existing approach? Download the eBook: BUILD A WINNING MEASUREMENT STRATEGY FROM THE GROUND UP’ and let’s continue the conversation @MicheleFrost and @MarkCNardone.

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